Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey (Part 3) - #TuesdayTarot #MyFriendAlexa
Welcome back! This is the third instalment of The Fool's Journey. Be sure to start this section after you have completed Part 1 of The Fool's Journey & Part 2 of The Fool's Journey where we have covered the first 15 cards of the Major Arcana. Today we will cover the remaining seven cards.
15. The Devil
For The Fool's next lesson in his journey, he needs to realise that The Devil isn't an outside influence. It is the little voice within us that makes us a slave to the material world and often lead us to ignorance and hopelessness. The power to overcome it is also within us.
Reverse – Breaking Free, Quitting, Hitting Rock Bottom, Broken agreements and Commitments.
16. The Tower
Tower is the card for shock and Chaos. Something unexpected and surprising could shake up your beliefs, assumptions and the things you took for granted. Drastic changes are required.Upright – Sudden Shock, Destruction, Questioning Beliefs, Chaos
Reverse – Warning, Mounting Pressure, Ongoing Chaos, Stubbornness
17. The Star
The Star is the card of hope, peace and Renewal. It brings optimism for a fresh start. It urges you to do what is practically required of you in the moment, but also continue dreaming of what an ideal future looks like to you.After his entanglements with The Devil and The Tower, The Star brings in a serene calm for The Fool. He is now optimistic and feels the need to share his optimism for those around him. The Fool discovers the peace after a storm.
Reverse – Hope without Action, Unethical Healer, Pessimistic Outlook
18. The Moon
The peace after the storm can also be a deceiving feeling if there are things that you have not confronted from your past experiences. The Fool's lesson from this card is to take stock of everything around him and within him to be able to pick up on and false illusions that he still may be carrying with him.
Reverse – Denial, repressed emotions, Projecting onto Others
19. The Sun
Reverse – Afraid to Shine, Burnout, Painful Truth, Attention Seeking
20. Judgement
The Fool now needs to make the final Judgement about his life. Now that he has shed his false ego and is more equipped to see and accept himself for who truly is, he needs to decide what to shed and what to keep with him to move forward.
Upright – Rite of Passage, Mature, Review, Transition
Reverse – Refusing to Change, Feeling Stuck, Numbness, Feeling Judged, Being Judgemental
21. The World
Upright – Integration, Completion, Options, Wholeness, Connection
Reverse – Overwhelmed, Difficulty Finishing, Clinging to Past
That is it! We have now covered the Major Arcana through The Fool's Journey. We have certainly covered your Soul/Personality/Shadow Card today if we hadn't done it before. Did it resonate with you?
Shall we take a break and take time to get more acclimated with the Major Arcana cards? Or would you like a round up? Or shall we move on to Minor Arcana. Leave your intentions in the comment section.