Welcome back to the second instalment of The Fool's Journey. Be sure to start this section with Part 1 of The Fool's Journey where I have covered the first 7 cards of the Major Arcana. Just a refresher - The Fool’s Journey is a story that we can tell in order to help us get a glimpse into each Major Arcana making it easier to understand the set. In this part, we will cover next 7 cards, starting with The Chariot.
7. The Chariot
The Chariot tells you to take control of your life. Staying focused and harnessing all of your resources will eventually get you where you want to go. It also signifies travel and movement.
The Chariot teaches The Fool that He has everything that he needs. All he needs to do is stay focused and disciplined in order to reach his goals.
Upright – Momentum, Competence, Self-Discipline, Control, Determination
Reverse – Rushing, Stress, Undisciplined
8. Strength
The Strength card urges you to look within and draw from your inner strength and find a balance between your basic drives and higher aspirations. In case of conflict, the card urges you to face your adversary with love and compassion.The Fool's lesson from this card is that he is resilient and fearless, and can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.
Upright – Instinct, Inner Strength, Survival, Courage
Reverse – Compulsive Behaviour, Weakness, Reactive Emotions, Fear, Lack of Confidence
9. The Hermit
The Hermit signifies a need or desire to withdraw from the world. It may be an indication that you need time to withdraw from the world, introspect while you rejuvenate yourself. It could also be advising you to seek a wise and experienced guide/counselor/mentor.
The Fool realises that he may sometime need to seek the answers he is looking for within himself and sometimes he may need a mentor to help him find what he is looking for.
Upright – Solitude, Introspection, Perspective, Wisdom, Guidance
Reverse – Antisocial, Needing Solitude, Feeling Lost, Loneliness
10. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that change is inevitable. As such, it is important to center yourself and stay calm when the world around you seems to be spinning out of control.
This cards teaches The Fool that life is fluid and full of ups and downs. He will never stay in the same position for long. It is important to remember the good times so that when it gets stressful and/or painful, he should remember what it is like to be happy too.
Upright – Taking Action, Change, Movement, Destiny, Luck, Expansion
Reverse – Lack of Control, Confusion, Ongoing Struggle, Setbacks, Bad Luck
11. Justice
Justice appears when it is time to balance the scales. It indicated that actions will have consequences and truth will catch up. It is time to think logically.
Justice teaches The Fool that the truth behind everything will eventually come to light and there will be repercussions.
Justice teaches The Fool that the truth behind everything will eventually come to light and there will be repercussions.
Upright – Fairness, Balance, Ethics, Law, Accountability
Reverse – Extremes, Unbalanced, Self-Centered, Lacking Objectivity, Unfair
Upright – Fairness, Balance, Ethics, Law, Accountability
Reverse – Extremes, Unbalanced, Self-Centered, Lacking Objectivity, Unfair
12. The Hanged Man
The Hanged man is the card of patience, contemplation and sacrifice. It urges you to observe your environment and situation from a new perspective. A sacrifice may be required in order to move forward.
The Fool realises that doing something else for a while may be worthwhile because it will help him clear his head so he can succeed. A sacrifice may be required of a small dream in order to fulfil a bigger goal.
Keywords:The Fool realises that doing something else for a while may be worthwhile because it will help him clear his head so he can succeed. A sacrifice may be required of a small dream in order to fulfil a bigger goal.
Upright – Surrender, New Perspective, Patience, Sacrifice, Release
Reverse – Procrastination, Victim Mentality, Hypocrisy
Reverse – Procrastination, Victim Mentality, Hypocrisy
13. Death
Death is a card of and ending before an utter transformation. It urges you to let go and embrace change and seek closure before moving on.The Fool learns not to be scared of what's to come as he knows that the future holds bigger and better things for him.
Upright – Transformation, Ending, Closure, Regeneration
Reverse – Burning Bridges, Running Away, Fear of Change, Refusing to Let Go
Upright – Transformation, Ending, Closure, Regeneration
Reverse – Burning Bridges, Running Away, Fear of Change, Refusing to Let Go
14. Temperance
Temperance is a card of integration and finding balance. Finding a balance between emotions and practicality is important to be able to put a steady foot forward. Some compromise may be necessary.
As a part of The Fool's journey came to an end with the Death Card, Temperance teaches him the value of compromise and adjustment while moving forward as two or more things come together to create something new, or bring fruition to what The Fool was working on before.
As a part of The Fool's journey came to an end with the Death Card, Temperance teaches him the value of compromise and adjustment while moving forward as two or more things come together to create something new, or bring fruition to what The Fool was working on before.
Upright – Integration, Creation, Compromise, Experiments
Reverse – Over Compromise, Rigidity, No Consensus
Upright – Integration, Creation, Compromise, Experiments
Reverse – Over Compromise, Rigidity, No Consensus
That is it for today. 7 cards remain in the Major Arcana for us to handle in the next post.
QOTD: Have we covered your Soul/Personality/Shadow Card today? If yes, what impressions do you have of your cards so far?
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